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The following partners work within the Centre and the community. These teams work hand in hand with us to offer a truly integrated approach to child and family support.

Flying Start Parenting Group Team

This team co delivers a weekly Stay and Play group at the Centre and also supports us to deliver the Parent Nurturing Programme. PNP, or ‘Time for You’ is a 10-week programme that allows you to reflect on and try out strategies for promoting positive and happy family relationships whilst being really nurtured!

Parents Plus

This is a specialised, psychology-led service for parents of Early Years children who have difficult behaviour and/or problems in language, play, or becoming more independent. We offer time-limited and home-based interventions. These usually involve practicing playing with and talking to children in fresh ways. We may suggest new ways to encourage and to give attention to the child. We help parents to feel more in control and parents and children to feel happier in their interactions.

Health Team

The team of health visitors and family health workers deliver innovative and evidence based programmes both in group settings and in the home to support families with all matters relating to health. In particular our focus is on nutrition, emotional health, challenging behaviour management and speech and language development.  Our work with families is aimed at supporting parents with children from birth to four.

Early Years Inclusion Team

This team (EYIT) works with, supports and coordinates services for children with additional needs (0 – 5 years), their families and Early Years settings to ensure they access their entitlement with a smooth transition into nursery or reception. We work as part of the Early Years Forum and in partnership with parents, early years practitioners, and other professionals in education and health. The EYIT monitors and supports settings to successfully include all children with additional needs to access the Foundation Phase curriculum and make progress.

Early Help

Early Help services provide children, young people, families and professionals with information and support on a range of topics that could affect families.  This includes family relationships, childcare, parenting, employment, money and housing.  Early help service will listen to you and assess your family’s needs.  They will either support you and your family directly or point you in the direction of a service that can help you with any specific challenges.